Terms and Conditions Legal Notice of the Website—
Terms and Conditions Legal Notice of the Website—
In compliance with what is established in Act 34/2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that this Website belongs to POP IN GROUP, S.L (hereinafter, POPIN_), with registered office at Calle Colombia no. 64; 5 A; 28016 Madrid, with Corporate Tax ID number B-85166338 and entered at the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, in Volume 24481, Folio 57, Section 8, Sheet M-440408.
You can contact us on (+34) 91 716 11 44 or by sending us an email to info@popingroup.com.
At the Website https://popingroup.com/ (hereinafter, the Website) we furnish information on the services that POPIN_ provides as an agency (communication, design, layout, consultancy and other services), on its team and on all the activities and experiences carried out by POPIN_ or in which it participates in some way.
This Website contains elements and sections directly developed by POPIN_ and elements for accessing its profiles on different social media (LinkedIn and Instagram), third-party platforms (for instance, YouTube) and links to pages outside POPIN_, which in spite of their ties to the brand will be managed and developed by said third parties.
Terms and Conditions of Access and Use
By accessing and using the Website, it is understood that you expressly state that you accept the content of each and every one of these Terms and Conditions in the version published at the time of access. It will likewise be understood that you also accept the following Terms and Conditions:
- Cookie policy
- Data protection policy
Please read this Legal Notice beforehand and, if you do not agree with it, do not access, or use the Website.
The use of certain contents and/or services provided via the Website may be subject to their own Particular Terms and Conditions (hereinafter, the “Particular Terms and Conditions”), which depending on each case may replace, supplement and/or modify these General Terms and Conditions. We therefore recommend that, before using said contents and/or services, you carefully read the corresponding Particular Terms and Conditions.
As a user, you acknowledge and accept that certain activities may be carried out by third parties (collaborators of POPIN_), therefore, if you choose to take part in those activities, you should read and as the case may be accept the Terms and Conditions applying to them, which shall have been determined by the specific controller.
You are accessing the Website under your own, exclusive responsibility, therefore you will in any case be liable for any damage caused by your access.
POPIN_ reserves the right to modify the content of these Terms and Conditions at any time for the purpose of adapting to operational, technical, or legislative changes.
As a user, you undertake to use the Website, the contents and services provided on it in accordance with the law, these Terms and Conditions, bona fide, decency and public order. Likewise, as a user you undertake not to use the Website or the services provided through it for purposes or effects that are unlawful or harmful for the interests or rights of third parties, or which in any way might damage, disable or impair the Website or its services or prevent the normal enjoyment of the Website by other users.
As a user you likewise undertake to refrain from using the Website or the information obtained through it to send publicity, communications with direct sale purposes or for any other commercial purposes, unsolicited messages targeting a plurality of persons regardless of the purpose, as well as for the purpose of in any way commercializing or disseminating said information.
POPIN_ may exercise the legal actions to which it is entitled against those violating these Terms and Conditions.
The services provided on the Website shall be available exclusively in Spain or/and in the places specified in each case.
Access to the Website is free of charge and does not require any prior subscription or registration. All the information included on the Website is provided exclusively for information purposes.
Contents of the Website – Intellectual Property
All the contents of the Website, unless otherwise indicated, are exclusively owned by POPIN_ or by third parties who have authorized their inclusion on the Website.
Likewise, all the trade names, brands or distinctive markings of any kind included on the Website are protected by law, and the reproduction, imitation, use or insertion thereof without the due authorization of POPIN_ is prohibited
As a user, you acknowledge and accept that the unauthorized reproduction, distribution, commercialization, or transformation of the elements indicated above may constitute an infringement of the intellectual and/or industrial property rights of POPIN_ or of the holders thereof.
Therefore, the reproduction, transformation, public disclosure, distribution, making available to the public and, generally, any other form of exploitation by any procedure, of all or part of the contents of the Website, as well as of the design and form of presentation of the contents, are prohibited if you do not have the corresponding authorization by the holder of the rights, unless it is legally permitted or is in keeping with the nature of the contents themselves.
Access to the Website shall in no event represent the acquisition by the users of any ownership rights whatsoever to the contents that are included on it.
You shall not use the contents provided on the Website for any purposes other than those stipulated in these Terms and Conditions and, as the case may be, in the Particular Terms and Conditions regulating the use of certain functionalities thereof.
The inclusion of links or any types of connections to the Website from third-party websites without the express consent in writing of POPIN_ is prohibited.
Limitation of Liability
A) Liability for the use of the Website
The user is the sole party liable for any infringements they may incur or for the damage they may cause to others or to themselves because of their use of the Website, and POPIN_ shall be released from any type of liability that might arise from the actions of the user.
The user is the sole party liable for any claims or legal action, in Court or out of Court, brought by third parties against POPIN_ based on the use of the Website by the user. In such event, the user shall bear any expenses, costs and indemnity affecting POPIN_ because of said claims or legal action.
B) Liability for the functioning of the Website
POPIN_ puts forth the maximum efforts to ensure that browsing on the Website is done in the best conditions. However, it shall be released from any liability that might arise from interferences, omissions, interruptions, telephone breakdowns or disconnections in the operational functioning of the electronic system due to reasons beyond the control of POPIN_.
Likewise, POPIN_ shall be released from any liability that might arise from delays or blockages in the operational functioning of this electronic system caused by deficiencies or overloads of telephone lines or the Internet, as well as from damages caused by third parties by way of illegitimate intrusions beyond the control of POPIN_.
C) Liability for links
This Website or/and the various activities developed on it may incorporate links to other sites or pages, and the owners of those sites or pages are the parties liable for the contents hosted therein.
Also, the presence of hyperlinks on third-party web pages that allow access to this Website shall in no event imply that there are any commercial or trade relationships with the owner of the website hosting the hyperlink, or that POPIN_ accepts its contents or services.
POPIN_ declines any liability whatsoever in respect of any information found outside its Website.
POPIN_ is released from any liability regarding the correct functioning of such links, the results obtained via said links, the truthfulness and lawfulness of the contents or information that may be accessed, as well as regarding any damages suffered by virtue of the information found on a Website reached through a link.
D) Liability for advertising
At present it is not the case, but in the future the Website might include advertising or sponsored contents.
In such event, the advertisers and sponsors shall be the sole parties responsible for ensuring that the materials sent for inclusion on the Website complies with the laws which may be applicable in each case. POPIN_ shall not be liable for any errors, inexactness or irregularities that may be included in the advertising contents of third parties or sponsors.
E) Liability for forums and blogs
POPIN_ may offer users the possibility of making comments, which would be incorporated in the corresponding sections, whether a forum or a blog related to the Website. The publication of comments and other contents is subject to this Legal Notice. If you do not agree with this, we kindly ask you not to use these services.
On the other hand, any blogs that are not linked to POPIN_ and the social media which, as the case may be, are accessed by the user, shall be regulated by the privacy policy implemented by said blogs and social media, and POPIN_ shall not be liable for the contents that may be hosted on them.
The person identified in each case as the person who made comments or included contents shall be the sole party liable for said comments or contents, as well as for ensuring that their inclusion on the Website complies with the laws that may be applicable in each case. The contents that are included do not reflect the opinion of POPIN_. POPIN_ shall not be liable for any errors, inexactness or irregularities included in the comments published in the forum.
Also, POPIN_ shall not be liable (except to the extent that it is obligated by Law) for any damages that may be caused by the insertion of contents.
The user supplying the contents assigns to POPIN_ the rights of reproduction, use, distribution, public disclosure, and any type of activity related thereto, whether on electronic or digital format, paper or on any other type of medium. And, especially, the user assigns said rights for the placement of the contents on the Website of POPIN_, in order for other users to be able to access them.
The supplying user declares that they are the holder of the rights to texts and contents, guaranteeing that they have the necessary rights and authorisations of the author or owner to the text and/or contents for the use and exploitation thereof by POPIN_ through its Website. In the event the user does not know whether they have the right to assign the contents to POPIN_, they should not publish any type of information or materials.
POPIN_ shall not be liable (except to the extent that it is obligated by Law) for any damages that may be caused by the use, reproduction, distribution or public disclosure of the texts and/or contents that are protected by intellectual property rights belonging to third parties, in cases where the user has not obtained beforehand from the holders the necessary authorisation to carry out the use or intended use. In such case, the user accepts the sole liability in the event of any claims by third parties stating that they have the rights to the texts and/or contents.
Also, POPIN_ reserves the right to unilaterally remove the comments and/or contents included in the forum or in any other section of the Website, whenever POPIN_ considers it appropriate.
POPIN_ shall not be liable for the information sent by the user when it is not effectively aware that the information stored is illegal or that it harms the goods or rights of a third party susceptible of indemnity. The moment POPIN_ effectively becomes aware that it is hosting data such as those stated above, it undertakes to act diligently to remove them or render access to them impossible.
In any case, to file claims related to the inserted Contents you can contact POPIN_ by any of the means furnished at the beginning of this document.
Interpretation, Governing Law and Jurisdiction
Any disputes arising from the interpretation or execution of this Legal Notice shall be construed under the laws of Spain.
These Terms and Conditions are originally drafted in Spanish. In the event of any discrepancies between the contents of the Spanish version and any other translated versions of these Terms and Conditions, the version in Spanish shall prevail.
Any clauses or provisions in this Legal Notice that are or become illegal, void or unenforceable shall be excluded therefrom and shall be deemed inapplicable as per the scope of said illegality, voidance or unenforceability, and shall be replaced by another clause or provision that is as similar as possible to the prior wording, but it shall not affect or impair the remaining provisions, which shall be separate from any illegal, void or unenforceable clauses or provisions and, conversely, shall remain fully valid and enforceable.
Also, POPIN_ and the user, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, do hereby submit to the Courts of Law and tribunals of the domicile of the user for any disputes that might arise.